The Royal Navy have asked for a ‘frigate’ that can perform a wide variety of duties and is ready to adapt to an uncertain world and the forthcoming technological revolutions.
Our response has been to design for:
Low Through Life Cost by adopting a fuel efficient power and propulsion system and adherence to low manning.
A low cost platform to maximise combat systems and mission (aviation, boats) capability within budget.
Flexibility in the design through ship margins (power, cooling, weight, space) to accommodate in-service capability upgrades and/or modifications for alternative design variants.
Operability and Habitability:
Accommodation, messing and a concept of operations that befits a modern navy.
Attention features that minimise the maintenance and support burden.
High levels of reliability through adoption of proven technology.
Safety and Environment:
Compliance with the latest naval standards, notably, NATO ANEP 77 Naval Ship Code and Lloyd’s Register requirements for Naval Classification.